I am beginning to look and feel like this chicken and have not had a drop . . .unless you count some wonderfully strong coffee!
"The time has come," the Walrus said, "To talk of many things: Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--" and so it is here. Finding all the ingredients to overfill the van (Paul's yearly comment) and have enough to wear, sleep in, cover up with in times of rain, smear on in times of heat, wear in the river and above all enough to read.
We are now here in the progress. Storage in garage. .storage in closet and I think it is all there . . .SOMEWHERE! My job if I choose to accept it . ..is to find it. Wanna help?
I don't know how some of you get ready to go to the park, but it probably takes as much time, effort and thought for a one month volunteer stint as it does for our 3-5 months over the last 20 seasons. You just need more 'stuff'. Those of you who have significant others knows it takes more for us females than the males. More lotions and potions . . .more books . . .more clothes. Modern life also includes electronic gadgets, batteries and a multitude of cables and chargers. I have lived for years hoping they will come up with a small pill you can take that will repel mosquitoes and protect from the sun. Now I want another 'small' item. A cable that fits and charges all the electronics from our Ipads, mp3 players, Kindle and computers.
Driving is different. I love our Saturn ion to drive around town and to Laughlin and this year to Aneheim but our stuff by MY standards would not all fit in it. By Paul's it probably would. However we can sleep in the van in case of an emergency. However the emergency better be on the way to the park. Else we would be picked up for littering when we had to take it all out so we could sleep.
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