Sunshine, cool and windy
Bikes are fixed and we now have transportation of our very own. Paul is especially pleased. I have done a couple work days followed by three days off. He has three off now. Fortunately two of each of ours are the same two. You can tell summer is coming . .lots of rental RV's and more and more little kids learning to ride bikes. Most of our seasonal friends are here with lots of smiles and hugs. The whole area is a sort of like a large family. A few photos taken today give you an idea that summer is progressing a bit each day. We hear rumors that the river could peak this weekend. However it will have to get warmer than right now. We go out and look about 10 p.m. and then crawl in to warm sleeping bags. Paul to sleep and me to read 50 pages or so before conking out.
The falls back of the Ahwahnee are loud when it is quiet in the campground.
I never tire of the Dogwoods
Staircase Falls has as much water as I have ever seen.
Where ever there is water and there are rocks someone will build 'ducks'. Paul said there were more today than yesterday.
Flowers in front of Ansel Adams. I have always loved these. I think they might be a form of Columbine but not sure.
Great Pictures and you look happy and content.
I'm sitting in Jan's office I worked hard yesterday so today I'm going to be a slug.
It remains way cool it is supposed to rain over the weekend and next week.
Jan is going to AZ and leaves tomorrow. Shirley and I will cover the time. We just have to have a body in the office.
I'm going to spend the weekend finishing up all the cleaning for the spring and summer. Kay arrives Tuesday and it will be non stop on the run while she is here. Graduations, weddings, band concerts and birthday party. All family stuff.
Hope your weather there improves.
Smugs Clesta
I miss you and Yosemite and think about our friend.
I've made a commitment for May 2012.. and I thought long and hard before I did it.
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