What seems to be the busiest weekend of the year has had rain in the valley and snow at higher elevations. Saturday night had rain most of the night (some quite hard) and a wake up temperature of 28. Reports of three rockfalls by various people who are said to have seen the rising dust. All from the lower part of Half Dome. I, personally saw none, but heard what I thought was a small one a few days ago from Glacier Point side of the valley.
Roads opening and closing. Crowds that pack the shuttles to stacking (the next step beyond standing) room only. Tour buses full and sold out. Sales of winter wear are probably quite brisk as winter does not appear to be moving out too quickly and many thought the sun would be a given. Overheard conversations about how cold the tent cabins are, how noisy the neighboring tents are and how active the bears are at banging around the bear lockers with high hopes.
With traffic at a standstill part of the time, parking full (legal and otherwise), walking is the best way to get around. Rental bikes and learning/relearning riders clog the bike paths. In spite of the large numbers, people, for the most part, are in good humor with lots of laughter and smiles and enjoying large, traditional family gatherings.
From a Curry Village Tree
From Housekeeping Bridge
A summer picnic/swimming spot with NO people or rafts. Wait until later.
From Housekeeping Bridge watching the clouds move around Yosemite Falls.
Behind the Ahwahnee. Less water than yesterday due to the cold I guess.
Sunshine, cool and windy
Bikes are fixed and we now have transportation of our very own. Paul is especially pleased. I have done a couple work days followed by three days off. He has three off now. Fortunately two of each of ours are the same two. You can tell summer is coming . .lots of rental RV's and more and more little kids learning to ride bikes. Most of our seasonal friends are here with lots of smiles and hugs. The whole area is a sort of like a large family. A few photos taken today give you an idea that summer is progressing a bit each day. We hear rumors that the river could peak this weekend. However it will have to get warmer than right now. We go out and look about 10 p.m. and then crawl in to warm sleeping bags. Paul to sleep and me to read 50 pages or so before conking out.
The falls back of the Ahwahnee are loud when it is quiet in the campground.
I never tire of the Dogwoods
Staircase Falls has as much water as I have ever seen.
Where ever there is water and there are rocks someone will build 'ducks'. Paul said there were more today than yesterday.
Flowers in front of Ansel Adams. I have always loved these. I think they might be a form of Columbine but not sure.
Woke about 6:15 to a temperature a bit below 30, then shook the wet snow off the tents so they would be a bit straighter and less chance of collapsing and went out to take photos. Rained a good deal of the night and from the looks of things snowed what was left of it and was still lightly snowing when we woke. Paul stayed in bed a bit longer while I went out with the camera. Weather changes so quickly here that if you see something you like, you better take your photos fast. I did. Then returned to the car to put on dry shoes and socks and join Paul to go to breakfast.
Speaking of breakfast this Grosbeak was sitting on the porch at Curry Lounge looking for a handout.
A good view of some of Glacier Point and Staircase Falls |
Dogwoods are survivors and will be beautiful and perky again when the sun is out. |
The boardwalk across Stoneman Meadow with the Arches and a far away view of our campground. |
MAY 16-17 2011
The trip up was uneventful for the most part. Cloudy a good deal of the way. Breakfast before we went up Tejon Pass and it was cold and windy but we ate watching the long, long, long trains on far side of freeway. Called to see if Highway 41 was open with no restrictions so finished our journey that way. Arrived in time to get one tent set up so we had a place to sleep. Set the second one up while Paul was at work this morning)Dined at the Curry Pavilion after which it was about time to call it a day. Slept basically warm, listening to the sound of rain on the nylon roof!
Went to pick up bikes only to find both tires on both bikes were flat. Ranger Jack delivered them to us and we will deal with the tires when it is NOT raining.
Peak Season for redbud and dogwood trees. The pink are from a small tree nestled in with a larger on at the Ahwahnee Hotel. Yosemite Falls from Superintendents Bridge. The white from my walk to the Ahwahnee this morning.
Doors Closed and Ready. It all Fits!! |
From finally warming up pool to the suspense | of the icy Merced!! |
Snacks, books on tape & music.
Should get us there with stops
in between!!
Loaded and ready! |
All of a sudden we are two days from taking off and heading
to Yosemite National Park to begin our 19th season as
volunteers. Paul for NPS in Campgrounds and yours truly
for what is now the Yosemite Conservancy. The hard part now
will be the 500 miles between San Diego and Yosemite. Reading
the weather as of today it might be raining when we arrive.
Will this be Dawn and Paul on day one? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
We certainly hope not but every year is an adventure of some kind.
MAY 15, 2011
And this is why we didn't leave this morning as planned and I am enjoying a day of leisure with Hazelnut Coffee I didn't have to make myself and perhaps out to breakfast. We will be watching the weather closely.
Labels: Getting Started